Hello Saints! When I started my healthy hair care journey I was not too knowlegable about oils for the hair. In fact the only oil I knew about growing up was grease. The only grease I really remember seeing used in my house was Blue Magic or Royal Crown Hair Dressing. Now after a year of being on a hair care journey, I have almost become an oil junky! There are some oils I have still yet to test out but there is no rush there since I am pretty content with the oils I am currently using in my hair care. One being Jamaican Black Castor Oil. I knew about castor oil but have NEVER heard of black castor oil. Honestly what I did know about castor oil was it was used as a laxative and to help induce labor (I do not know if it works for labor though). I did not know that it could be used for the hair. Now that I am continuously researching on how to properly care for my hair as well as my family's hair as a whole, I started to see castor oil and black castor oil appear.
I started using JBCO almost a year ago when I needed some assistance with growing my edges back in when pretty much my whole hair line broke. My edges suffered the most. I came across Hairlicious and read about how JBCO can help with thickening and promoting growth of the hair. There after I began to Google and Bing about all the benefits of JBCO and where I can purchase some. Here are a few benefits or using JBCO: